Getting Started - New Users

This article will guide you through getting you set-up with your first HerdMASTER database.


This article assumes you have already installed HerdMASTER, and are a new user .

  1. Upon opening HerdMASTER for the first time, you will be greeted with the Setup Wizard.


  2. Click on Next to proceed.

  3. Select I want to create a new database and click next


  4. Select your program edition and click next

The Stud edition is the most feature-complete. In most cases this is what you will need.


  1. You will then be taken to the login screen. Click on New Database

  2. The first part of setting up a database is the connection type, species, and breed. Select the options relevant to your herd and click next.


  3. The next step is setting up your Database Name and Business Information

The Herd Ident is the 3-character code that your breed society has assigned to you. If you don’t have a breeder number, you should use the Herd Ident.


  1. The next step is to configure the Properties and Locations within that property, as well as an initial user for the database. Click on next once you are done.

Locations can be any site on your property e.g. Paddocks, Sheds, Yards etc.


  1. Thats it! Click on finish and login to your database using the login information you set in step 8.


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