Installing HerdMASTER 5 and Migrating Data from 4

Installing HerdMASTER 5 and Migrating Data from 4

This article will guide you through the setup of HerdMASTER 5, and optionally migrating your HerdMASTER 4 databases.


  1. Visit Our Download Page and choose the recommended option.

    1. This Installer Package includes tools that will:

      1. Install HerdMASTER 5 and all pre-requisites eg. SQL for the HerdMASTER database

      2. Assist migrate your HerdMASTER 4 database into HerdMASTER 5

      3. Offer to uninstall HerdMASTER 4
        Note: We recommend doing this after getting HerdMASTER 5 working satisfactorily.
        You can re-run the Install tool after install and choose “Uninstall HM4” separately.

  2. Open the installer via your browsers download section

  3. Review & Accept The License Agreement


  4. Select your install options:

    1. The default option is to only Install HerdMASTER 5.

    2. If you are migrating from HerdMASTER 4, you can tick the Migrate option and the wizard will guide you through migrating your database.

      1. It will only migrate 1 database at a time. If you have more, please re-use the install tool with Migrate option only to work through the remainder of your databases.

    3. You can also remove HerdMASTER 4. This is recommended only be done after you’re happy with 5 and have migrated your data successfully from 4.

      During the install process, the installer may request you to restart your computer to finish applying updates to the pre-requisites needed by HerdMASTER. Please save your work, and do this reboot if requested. Then re-run the install tool and proceed through the install again. It will resume at the previous step and finish the install.


  5. Once install is complete, you can now pen HerdMASTER 5 from the icon on your desktop. It will also be in the Windows Start menu.

The HerdMASTER installation comes with a 30-day free trial period. Once this has ended you will need to purchase a licence for the software.

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